Got questions?

What is the difference between modular construction and prefabrication?

“Modular” is a form of prefabrication! Modular projects represent the most concentrated and often “volumetric” form of prefabrication, focused on moving as much complexity as possible away from the jobsite and into a factory. In Cassette’s case, the entire home is a single module - finished and even inspected at the factory – leaving very little to build on-site. 

Cassette also “modularizes” its multifamily buildings into fully-finished apartment pods. In those cases there is a bit more work to be done on-site to connect them together and put common elements into the buildings. In both cases, Cassette trucks our units to the site to be erected by others, or we perform all the necessary site work to connect the units to foundations, install decks and pergolas, and connect to local utilities.

Is this the same as “Manufactured Housing"?

No, actually. Modular homes are permanent homes, with a title like any other home.

Although modular homes are made in a factory, “Manufactured Housing” is a category of housing regulated by the Federal Government for non-permanent structures built on a chassis.

Modular housing, such as what Cassette builds, is approved at the state level in most cases, and its quality must meet or exceed that of the most stringent building code in the state.

What’s included in the module?

Each module is a fully-fitted out steel framed unit including exterior cladding, windows, doors, roofing, insulation, interior finishes, kitchen with appliances, washer/dryer, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical systems. Most Jolly units also include solar panels as part of the base price. A full list of what is included and excluded from each base model, as well as upgrade options, can be found here.

Can I customize my Cassette Jolly?

There are a number of upgrades and accessories that we offer on this site – and almost anything can be “deducted” from the standard package (for instance if you prefer to build your own deck, kitchen, or if you prefer no solar panels). 

By choosing something from our standard collection, you effectively leverage years of Cassette R&D, design work and material sourcing. This means skipping the cost & risk associated with a traditional design-bid-build construction process, and installing your home much like you’d install an appliance. That said - your request may be something we’re already working on, so give us a call.

To the extent that you want to customize a color or material, let’s have a conversation. As with other manufactured goods, with higher quantity orders, customization becomes more economical.

Are the units permitted?

Yes. Cassette will prepare the building plans and manage the permitting process for you.

What does a project require outside of the factory-produced unit?

Cassette's turnkey pricing includes on-site construction of the building foundations and connection of the utilities - water, waste, electrical, and solar. Cassette can also upgrade your service to include decks and shade pergolas.

Depending on your project, you may decide to hire other specialty contractors to install things like paving, fencing, landscaping etc. Cassette offers modular decks (which will require small foundations) and pergolas which are connected to the sides of the units for shading.

How do you manage risk?

Traditional construction work is notoriously fraught with risk. Risk on cost, time and quality. Cassette has taken the largest piece of the construction project into a factory setting to control such factors and bring much needed certainty into the construction process. A fixed, reasonable price; a much shorter construction period and a more reliable, high quality of construction and design detailing.

When are payments due?

There are five payments due in the process of building your Cassette home. 

Payment 1:  $15,000 reservation fee to begin local engineering drawings

Payment 2:  50% (minus reservation fee), 1 month from start

Payment 3:  25% at start of site preparation, 4 months from start

Payment 4:  15% at Manufacturing Completion, 5 months from start

Payment 5:  10% at final Certificate of Occupancy, 6 months from start


You can expect your module to be delivered to the site within 6 months of signing a purchase agreement. The building foundations and utility runs on the property will be constructed during the final weeks that the unit is being fabricated in the factory, and the unit is typically operational within days of placement on the site.


A menu of sizes and options can be found on this website, ranging from small studio units to 2-bedroom/2 bathroom units.

Cassette also offers two variations on stackable multifamily systems:  A standard duplex/Fourplex model, and a more customizable heavy steel system designed for joint venture multifamily development with commercial developers.

Is Cassette a licensed contractor?

Cassette is a licensed general contractor in California, and we have local contracting partners in other states. Our team has decades of experience managing the delivery of complex construction projects around the world.

Where do you deliver?

Cassette is currently delivering in California, and by the end of 2024 will be delivering in other U.S. states that have an existing regulatory framework for factory-built housing. Fill out a project inquiry form and be sure to include your project zip code, and a representative can get back to you regarding the feasibility of your project site for Cassette.


By design, Cassette homes and our unique building process treads lightly on the earth. As part of a generational movement toward factory-built housing, we and our modular peers are helping construction to transition to more eco-friendly process overall, shaving up to 80% of waste out of the traditional processes.The design of our modules carefully considers the natural environment and where possible we source local and recycled products to minimize our environmental footprint. By working under controlled conditions and building a tight building envelope, we’re also able to exceed even the most stringent state guidelines. We include 4kw of solar panels on most of our models, and offer off-grid, battery and EV charger options as upgrades.


Our units are designed to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act for private homes, and upon request and ADA upgrade, Cassette can modify the kitchen and bathrooms to achieve more accessible wheelchair standards.

Can I use a Jolly as an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit)?

Absolutely! If your state has zoning laws that permit ADUs, a Jolly is no different after construction than any other home structure. The studio and 1-bedroom models are perfect for many backyard applications, and entry-side windows can be obscured by option, if you need more privacy. ADUs are permitted in states like California and Oregon, but check your state to learn its specific requirements. California’s full guide to ADU development laws can be accessed here.